Friday 1 July 2011

The First Post

Well lets just say there are things which happen in everyone's lives which are pretty much inevitable or inexplicable..  Why the sudden urge to start a blog, is just one of those things in mine. The idea of using the net as a medium to make my life an open book, was never really a justified means to vent my feelings. But I guess I'm just looking to share my views with strangers who might be able to relate with what I've gone through, or as a writer I'm just looking to get better, trying to look around for valuable feedback and opinions.

Let me just update you on who I am. I'm this very ordinary 18 year old who lives in India. No particular place where I'm settled, Dad being in the Indian Air Force, I pretty much lead a nomadic life like so many others in my vicinity. So basically every 2 years I move to a different place, new friends, new school, new teachers, and getting into a relationship needs long and hard thinking.. I love reading, writing (obsessed with it, even though I'm nowhere as good at it like some of my friends), playing sports especially football (which is my first love, and religion) and of course music. I'm very outgoing, and I love socialising with anyone that I can find, so naturally I have a good friends circle. Essentially, it makes me an ordinary guy with extraordinary friends and I love life because of it. Loyalty, belief and practicality are the rules of my game. The rest, I leave to you to form your opinion. Please do not judge me from my writing, I'm trying to learn to add new dimensions which will keep people glued to my writing, or at the most put my point forward more convincingly.

Other than what I wrote above, I'm a calm person, nice and fun to be with, but really sentimental and touchy. My sense of humour is as good as the Pope's, lame to the point of getting death threats from my friends. When I'm not doing my work or when I'm not out with friends, I love roaming around in the dark at 2-3 in the morning, listening to music or writing poetry, 3 of the strongest factors respnsible for my remaining sanity. 
Music, most would agree, is a solution for most problems. I vent my anger by listening to music.. it calms me down enough to help me think with a clear mind (a more simple and uncomplicated solution than alcohol or drugs). Its almost like it understands what you need for the moment, it gives you an outlet of silent expression.

The same case with poetry and writing in general.. It is gratifying to know that whatever I write, is for my eyes only. That way no one really questions my integrity, or criticises what I choose to stand for. Its an unhindered form of expression, like other art forms like dance or painting.. I can channel my emotions into poetry even when I know its not really that good. I write solely form myself, not because I'm out to prove a point, to make anyone happy OR to gain sympathy. If I could, I would ask everyone to write, thoughts are unique and vary from person to person and reading memoirs from a tormented or experienced mind show you a glimpse into a world yet unknown to us.

I know its a pretty lame intro, but as I said, I'm just quenching my thirst to write and express. I promise I'll be more direct next time, I'm just not too confident writing freely considering it's my first time. I've got a lot more to share, I'm hoping to find people who see things from my perspective.. I MIGHT sound more convincing through my poetry, but that, until the next time. 


  1. i just read all of your three entries :) really write very well....stuff that you write.. its truly worth reading.. :)

  2. @Sanjana: Thank you so much Sanjana :) Do you write too? Would love to read if you do! :)

  3. you're welcome :),not at the moment...i guess i'm not 'in that place' yet.. if you knwo what i mean :)

  4. I'm sure you could come up with excellent stuff if you tried.. :) Everyone has that capability. But when you do start writing, let me know. :) All the best with that! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. nice bro!! airforce life FTW :) :) :) :)

  7. And I finally drag my lazy fingers to type a comment. :P
    Great start! :)
    But maybe, just maybe, you don't don't need to convince anybody else of your writing skills...Aren't blogs all about writing your mind? Just my opinion, though.

    P.S: Since you talked about being ordinary, I wanna ask ya...Are you extraordinarily ordinary or ordinarily extraordinary? Yeah...Like I could come up with a more lame question... :P

  8. Bhavana: Well thats very true a point :) But I want to write stuff which everyone relates to. I don't think anyone would like knowing about my personal experiences, I'll just be alienating them from myself. :)

    And I'm plain ordinary :P No more different than you or anyone else i know. :)

  9. Ah! Well said. :)
    Sorry, that question was purely random! LOL!

  10. Randomness is awesomeness :P :)

  11. nice shamir :) it's really difficult to pen down all that one feels....
    every single line you write is beautiful :-)
