Tuesday 6 December 2011

The Dream (Epic fail at a romantic poem)

There's this dream that recurs, quite frequently in my head
Usually at times when I'm all alone, lying exhausted on my bed.
I'm sitting alone on a stone bench, at someplace I don't recall seeing
Seems the middle of nowhere, there’s no sight of another human being.

The night is serene yet intimidating, I hear the sound of a flowing river
The cold infused in every breeze, effortlessly makes me shiver.
But then you appear from the dark, radiating perfectly the moon's pale glow
You smile but you do not speak, you just keep walking nice and slow.

I melt into your glimmering eyes, which could compliment the darkest night
You keep smiling and I stare, stunned out of any kind of words outright
You keep your head on my shoulder, a warmth instantly touches my spine
The way my skin feels soothed , when its kissed by early sunshine.

I tilt my head and close my eyes, wishing God would put time to a pause
Freezing this moment for eternity, overturn the laws of time because
when I’m with you in this... trance, its like I can’t imagine putting anything better,
Everything.... just about everything, seems perfect to the very last letter.

Its unfortunate that I already know, that in time it’ll all be forsaken,
Because I’m living in and off dreams, from which I know I’ll soon awaken.
But I loved the way your black hair, drew invisible lines across my cheek,
I loved the way you sitting next to me, made it impossible for me to speak.

All I wanted to do at that moment, was just lose myself to lies,
The desperation with which I wanted to stay I guess itself implies...
How badly I wanted for once... just to know how amazing it'll be,
Away from lives that hold us back, far away... just you and me.

But then you start glowing brighter, and then the realisation starts to sink,
That all this is some latent fantasy, which I’ve lost in the span of a blink.
I've felt this so many times before, I've stopped bothering about what’s broken,
Always hoping that tomorrows dream, is when I'll tell you all thats unspoken.

You start to fade into the night, pure black at its magnificent best,
I manage to see you smile a last time, before the last of you regressed.
I know I'm drowning neck deep, in dreams which are just too good to be true,
But I guess I'm learning to smile from loving, these wishful meetings with you.


  1. I love how this poem of yours describes a dream in the quintessential sense-ideal and momentary.
    At times, the same dream can sustain you through a rough patch in life, and other times, it can leave you befuddled for long...
    Regardless, it always feels good to read the hints of optimism with which you end your writings. :)

    P.S: Epic fail at a romantic poem? Who are you kidding? :P

  2. And er...try to ignore the Grammatical errors in my comments.
    Apparently, the rate of my growing expertise in Computer languages is becoming inversely proportional to that in English. :|

  3. @Bhavana: I'm a villager when it comes to big English words, so I sort of didn't get the first line of the comment! :P (Just kidding) :)

    And well if you think along those lines, sometimes memories are enough to sustain a sense of hope... As long as this sense of hope does not bleed into belief and expectations, I think we all do fine. :)
    Optimism is what I essentially survive on Bhavana :P When you picture everything without the imperfections that they hold, life seems a hell of a lot more cheerful. :)

    And you kidding me? :O Your English is great. :) I can't spell words which have 7 karacters or more... Uhm uh carakters uhm.. letters or more, whatever :P

  4. Uh, don't you think, without the imperfections, life would be boring? :)

    And 7 characters? Says the guy who writes beautiful, intense and well-rhymed poems. :P

  5. I guess so :)

    And intense poems? :P I'm very simple in my writing Bhavana... So the vocabulary is limited. I'll show you a few poems written by some of my friends. 2 girls who're 13 and 14 respectively. (Tanya and Jasmine) Amazing writers... thats what I'd call intense! :)

  6. Your vocabulary is simpler, yes. But I believe that it is not merely the words, but the meaning they form when used together, that defines the intensity of a poem. :)[Yeah, that probably makes not much sense. :P]

    And thanks, I'd love to. :)

  7. Thanks a lot Bhavana :) and I'll send those poems to you Asap. :)

  8. I have quite a bit of reading cut out for me !! :)

    I'll have to learn, improve my vocabulary etc..... to comment and to praise u :)

  9. and yes its NOT a epic fail !! epic WIN :)

  10. Haha you're real sweet Pooja :) Thanks! :)

  11. aah! ! i never knew u did poetry stuff.. its gr8 mahn!! huge respect 4 suar!!.. 4 sure!! , whatever!
