Friday 12 August 2011

Random Memories

It seems like so much time has passed, since I sat down to write what I feel
About you, my life or anything else, of all things with which I have to deal.
It’s been 3 months since you moved away, and every single day it seems so long
I’m sure you don’t feel the same way do you? But it’s really hard to stay this strong.

Every day for 8 months I’ve stood quietly, waiting for some miracle to fall into place
And everyday I’ve felt the same disappointment, of my dreams shot far into space.
You stay unaware of all of my efforts, and every second it’s constantly pinching
I’m coming apart at the seams right now, not a day passes without me flinching.

It doesn’t help that you pay no heed at all, to everything that I would put on the line
And how I treasure you the most out of things, which I could never really say were mine.
Try stepping into my shoes for a while, switch places with me for at least a while
I’ll wear your size 6 shoes for a day too, and then we’d both try and walk a mile.

You’ll see how you run through my mind all day, how every dream of mine has to have you
How staying so far away is damn tough on me, seconds spent NOT thinking about you are few.
How reading your text messages makes me smile, more generously than anything else
How looking at your pictures mesmerises me, enchanted like I’m under some spells.

But there’s the painful part which exceeds the good, that’ll show you how much it stings
When every dedicated try goes unnoticed, how you get pissed with the smallest of things.
You’d come to know how nervous I am, when I call you hoping you’d pick up and answer
You’ll see how it feels to be ignored, how frustration engulfs every part of you like cancer.

You’d probably learn how patient I've been, and then you can say if you can blindly follow,
Someone who doesn’t love you back at all, and be the one with all the pride to swallow.
I know we can’t exchange our places, but if you could just try closing your eyes to see
If you’d be willing to do this for YOUR love, maybe then you’d give ONE chance to me.

What’s the point of writing this anyway... You never read anything I write,
You won’t read this either but if you do... I hope you see how hard I fight.